#bookaday Days 1 to 5

I'm late to the game but I really want to join the #bookaday meme from The Borough Press so to avoid clogging your feeds, I'll post five days in each post.

#1 Favorite book from childhood
It was tough to choose just one from the many I loved but I'm going to choose a Judy Blume novel and this one is my favorite. Here's the edition I read over and over again.

#2 Best Bargain
A recent bargain I found at the bookshop called BookSale is a childhood book I lost or misplaced long ago, Gnomes by Wil Huygen and illustrated by Rien Poortvliet. I got this pristine hardbound edition for just 400 pesos or roughly 10 dollars!

#3 One with a blue cover
Scanned my shelves and this is what I found which also happens to be a book I love, Le Grand Meaulnes by Alain-Fournier.
#4 Least Favorite book by a favorite author
Love most of Margaret Atwood's novels but this one was just ok.
#5 Doesn't belong to me
I borrowed this years ago from my brother but I haven't read it yet.


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